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TriplePlay, Reusable Sensor
Dymedix TriplePlay Airflow sensors detect three types of sleep disordered breathing events with only one sensor; Apnea, Hypopnea and UARS. All Dymedix Airflow sensors are AASM compliant.
Dymedix TriplePlay Airflow sensors are used with a choice of five different Airflow Filtration Module (FM) interface cables that provide the user with a variety of waveform options and combinations.

FM1 Airflow Filtration module
The FM1 provides one output with smooth sinusoidal waveforms focusing on identification of apnea and hypopnea events.

Triple Play Airflow Interface Cable FM3 Alice/Grael
Triple Play Airflow Interface Cable FM3 Alice/Grael

FM2 Airflow Filtration Module - Alice 5/ Alice 6
The FM2 provides more subtle changes in the airflow signal often associated with flow limitation and UARS.
Voor gebruik met Dymedix Triple Play Airflow Sensors (disposable/reusable)

Triple Play Airflow Interface Cable FM3 - Universal 1.5mm / Embla
Triple Play Airflow Interface Cable FM3 - Universal 1.5mm / Embla